


02-25-2014, 12:56 PM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

SO the king and queen of Glaciem had decided to travel all this way to grace Ebony with their presence. How charming. The rose-skinned man seemed a tad bit uncomfortable with the whole of Ebony arriving there at their borders to protect their queen, as he should. At this point, they were quite a force to be reckoned with.

When the dark-toned queen arrived beside her mate, Fugue almost chuckled. Not only did the two look so like in features and give off a similar scent, but the woman acted as if Isardis was not to do anything if not by her demand. As if he was her puppet. It was truly humiliating for the man, Fugue was certain.

Well-toned muscles rippled across his auburn frame as harsh words exited the mouths of his pack-mates. None seemed thrilled by the king's presence here. And what was his business? Was he trying to stir the waters or had he another purpose? Golden eyes evaluated the pair once more when Isardis rebutted Kaliska'a outburst. He turned and dipped his head to Raisa when she acknowledged him and rebuked Kaliska. So his queen was playing the game with a cool head, so should her packmates.

This told Fugue that he had done the right thing in staying silent, though he had a lot to say to the man, a lot of questions to ask. As long as the rosy man kept his distance from Raisa and his tongue bound respectfully in her presence, then there would not be a problem. Otherwise....His muscles would tense, and teeth bare to meet their aim at his rosy pink throat.


"Talk" Think "You"