
A new era


02-25-2014, 06:34 PM

She had been searching for her daughter for sometime, the girl, along with her sister had ventured off, finally old enough to fend for themselves and had no returned. The woman didn't mind, her children were free to do as they pleased, but she would always protect them if anyone tried to harm them. But so far, their lives seemed quiet, mundane even.

The only one who's scent could be located was Zaria. Nostrils quivered, pinpointing the dark girls scent, following it closely. Her daughter would have no idea what was about to happening, the plans that herself and Basilisk had been making. She would undoubtedly be surprised by being named heir to a new throne. The girl wasn't in competition with any of her siblings since Sora had left and Senka had vanished. The temptress, however, made a note to track them down.

Finally, her search would be rewarded, her daughters growing building coming into view. "Zaria, I'm glad to see you are doing well." She didn't worry about startling the girl, it was almost certain that she would be aware of her mothers approach. She would close to the distance between them, stopping only a few feet away before offering the girl a smile and gentle bump to the shoulder. "We have much to discuss."

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