
Restless Summer Air...



4 Years
02-25-2014, 07:49 PM

Hmm? he wasn't sure if his answer brought her any sort of solace but there was only so much he could do. Baldur was still young and hoped his effort in giving her some sort of answer was appreciated. If she truely sought wisdom then an elder sage would be of more assistance than a young rogue with a closet full of skeletons and just as much self doubt. Ice blue eyes gazed out at the lake that was now blanketed in the star-like glow of lightning bugs. The sun was disappearing in a violet haze as the moon rose hot and fiery on the horizon. Baldur could feel himself stirring and half wondered if he should take his leave but then she spoke again and he wondered if she thought him a fool after all.

Baldur, you may just be on to something there

Baldur's brow raised as he turned to gaze upon the lady once more. He was? He sensed the change in her intent more than he heard it but he was so entranced by her he couldn't quite bring himself to move. In the hot summer hum of insects and the throbbing glow of the rising moon he was suddenly very aware of her. Raisa's languid form seemed so close to him and her scent was slowly beginning to twine it's way into the recesses of his mind. The dip in the sinewy flesh of her hips, the elegance and strength in her legs. When had his breathing gotten so shallow?

Baldur was aware of her mismatched eyes roaming his form and it only served to rile him up more. She eyed him like prey but at this point he really didn't care. That stupid, precious idea of "manliness" that his father held onto meant nothing to him. And after all, had his eyes not preyed upon her but a moment before? Drinking in her form with an alarming thirst? He could hear her breath, her husky chuckle.

"So what are your plans for the night, handsome?"

"Hmmm? funny, after resting my eyes on you, I seem to have forgotten any of my plans. Have you any plans fair lady to save us from the dull torment of a restless summer night?"