
Where love is



6 Years
02-25-2014, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 09:11 PM by Alamea.)
OOC Notes: Because this is a moving thread, I am posting it here but it begins on the island. Also I do wanna ask for a specific posting order (to begin with at least, it can change depending on what happens) The order I would prefer is this: Myself (Alamea) Mouse, Lazuli, Myself (Keiki), Mouse and then Bri. (Just so those of us with more than one wolf in this family don?t end up posting back to back


The young mother had grown restless, it was time. They were going to be leaving the island behind. With the pack dissolved and more and more wolves leaving the island was becoming more and more dangerous for the pups, and the jungle had been treacherous to begin with. Still she had been hesitant at first; She had already moved once before, and this was the only home the pups had ever known. But it had occurred to her that she was being selfish. Didn't the pups deserve someplace better, someplace safer? And certainly she owed Rune more than this, he had given up so much so that they could raise their family in Valhalla, and with it gone (or rather moved and under new management) did she really have the right to ask to stay?

It was all decided now, in fact she had discussed the move with Rune last night while the pups slept. Now as she lay in the den, Rune curled around her and the pups piled on top of each other she hesitated once more. She hoped that they met Erani along the way, the old healer had been gathering up those that remained behind, Alamea wanted to let her know what they planned, she owed her that much at least. With a deep breath she nuzzled gently at her mate. "It's time dear." Then rising to her paws she stretched and called for her pups. "Alright kids time to get up, got an adventure planned out for today." She tried her best to sound as cheerful as she could.

Just before the exit to the den she faltered. Glancing back at her family, rousing themselves from sleep, she steeled herself and stepped outside.