
whiskey in my water


02-25-2014, 09:18 PM

ooc;; starts in veronica plains, he goes to druids moor and wolf paw lake then he goes to veronica plains to pick up eria, I'll have the thread moved to wolf paw lake when he takes her there :) -boom-

He had left with the children late in the afternoon, telling Eria that he was going to take them adventuring so she could have some time to herself. He knew she was struggling with the attachment their son was having to her and their daughter was a bit of a handful at the best of times she he hadn't taken no for an answer and had set off with the kids. The monochrome male had cut towards the delta fairly quickly and towards Erani's den, shooing the children along with him and entertaining them with stories he had grown up with when they started to complain. It seemed all so simple and easy, a normal every day walk with the kids now that they were almost four months old and getting so big. But as they approached Erani's den Friction would give barely any explanation to the kids as he left them with the white healer who had been their for their birth and now was the leader of their pack. He had spoken to her a few days ago and told her of his intentions and promised it would only be over night. He hadn't spent time alone with Eria in what felt like forever and he needed to be with her. So with a dip of his head and a gentle kiss on the head to Erion and Isis he would turn and start off towards the meadow. It was later in the afternoon, the sun was beating down heavily and it wasn't long before tongue was lolling out over jaws to alleviate some of the heat building in his body. It was one of the downsides to living in the plains, there was barely any shade. But where he was going today there would be plenty.

Long legs waisted no time eating up the miles, he knew what he was looking for and where it was growing. Eventually mist began to circle around his limbs, scratching and clawing ups grey legs as he slowed and approached his target carefully. Rose bushes? The wild roses were small and delicate, a budding pink in colour and in his mind absolutely perfect. But around them tangles of turns and brambles surrounded them. Worth it. Slowly he would reach in, feeling the prickles along his face and nose and the occasional stab of pain as they bit into his flesh and drew droplets of blood. But painstakingly he began to collect the roses, plucking each one and dropping them on the ground before his paws. He made sure there was a bit of a stem on them so he could carry them to where he wanted to go. This wasn't exactly the most romantic scene. So he took his time, trying not too cut himself up too much and finding the happy medium between remaining looking his best and getting enough flowers for his plans. Finally, after what seemed like forever but what was probably only half an hour, he dropped the last of the roses and then pawed them together so they lay together in a cluster before reaching down to gather them delicately in his mouth. Once again he tried not to break the skin in his mouth.

As if following a path he had taken a million times he turned, breaking into an easy lope and hoping that time would be on his side this day. He couldn't help but casting his gaze skyward every few minutes as he ran to check the suns position in the sky. The brute knew he needed to get back to Eria just before sunset if he wanted everything to be perfect. Though as he approached the lake he realized that at any time of day this would be perfect. The sun was glittering beautifully off the water and casting reflections every which way. But Friction didn't take the time to admire the site, instead moved around the shores to a bed of moss and leaves he had been working on for the past few days with the kids and alone. Really whenever he could slip away he had come here to work on it. Haunches collected beneath him as he sprung over it and faced the way of Veronica Plains. He turned quickly, lowering his head close to the ground and began shaking viperously and backing up. Slowly but surely a path of rose petals would begin to cascade to the ground, precious pink petals settling easily so there were a few feet of this leading up to the moss bed on the shore he had made. After every single petal had fallen from the roses he would cast the vile stems to the side and take a few steps back to admire his handy work. It was good. But was it good enough for her?

Shoulder slumped slightly as a wave of doubt once again crashed over him. What if she didn't like it? What if she didn't want to be with him? Ears folded to his skull and slowly he turned, staring once more at a lope towards the plains again, leaning down occasionally to pick any blue wild flower he might find in his path. He could't think about those things now, as much as he was worried there was also hope blossoming in his chest and a bit of pride that he had managed to so far pull this off without her suspecting anything as far as he knew. By the time he reached their den he had a fairly large bouquet gathered in his jaws, all varying shades of blue. Softly he would let out a muffled bark, hoping she was in the immediate area but not wanting to go into the den just yet. Haunched would curl and lower to the ground, tail beating a steady happy tune against the ground as blue eyes searched the darkness of their den for her as well as the plains around them just in case she had gone for a walk. He didn't care how long he had to wait for her, he would wait.