
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings

Twig I


02-25-2014, 11:02 PM

She had to go and see him again, it had hardly been but a few days. She craved his joyful presence, but knew that first she has to be loyal to her family. So she would once again go out to search for her still lost siblings, she felt her heart reach out to them but she could still not keep Thoughts of Themisto from her mind. The days spent apart from him were spent searching, but with no luck to speak of. They seemed so lost to her that at times she thought it possible she would never again see them alive. Instead of giving into the despair she would give into the thoughts of Themisto and how joyful he'd been able to make her.
It wasn't a surprise when she found her paws carrying her once again to the orchard, she had hopes that she would be able to track down a fruiting peach tree. The succulent fruit would tease her as it continued to remain hidden, still she would hope to find some to be able to bring as a gift to the sweet healer. Her heart was ensnared by him and his carefree ways, it seemed so much easier to live with out worry. Why had she been so cautious about life in the first place? So here she was, joyful about seeing him again, and enjoying the warm summer morning. She would let her guard down, after visiting the orchard so much it might have been her second home. She had no reason to think that someone had been watching her, waiting for the right moment to strike.?
Her royal purple gaze would finally find itself upon the luscious form of a perfect peach. She would gasp at its sudden appearance as she rushed to the branch which held it. Orchid optics would take it in wonder for a moment, as she let her weight settle upon her back legs. Twig would rise to only a pair of legs as her body was suddenly shoved to the earth. She could feel the air leave her lungs as another collided into her chest. Her head would collide roughly with the dirt and she would become slightly dazed. Completely unaware of what had just transpired.
Her vision would clear but only enough to comprehend the giant form looming above her. She would register the scent of blood and fear would race through her veins as her eyes widened. The fright would clear her mind and she would struggle to reclaim her footing, but it would be for not. Faster than she could think a heavy pressure would be applied to her back, reassuring she could not release herself from his grasp. The heady scent of him overwhelmed her senses as she would attempt to grasp the gravity of her condition. She was completely helpless, no one would have thought to have followed her to the orchard again. They knew why it was she found herself here, they didn't perceive it any more dangerous than she did.
But no matter how much she thought she had been safe that did not prevent what was happening to her. Roughly her body was moved against her will, his hips aligning with her much smaller ones. She knew what was next, an she knew she would not be able to escape it. No one would be coming to her rescue, and her strength was not enough to save her purity. She had let her guard down and would painfully pay the price. Her scream would combine with a pitiful whine as she struggled to escape, but her attacker's body would conquer her completely.?
She would attempt to gain her freedom until he managed to knock her unconscious. It would not be until hours after she would groggily begin to open her eyes. The sun was completely gone and the moon had begun its rotation. She could feel scarcely anything but pain as she returned to her battered body, she had no intention of picking herself from the earth. She didn't want to be found, all she knew was the need to curl into a ball. There was a hollowness that would over take her, she would hardly realize she was sobbing until it became hard to breathe. How she longed to be next to Themisto again at wolf paw lake, or back at her family's camp. Anywhere but dealing with what had just been done to her.?