
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings


02-26-2014, 12:44 AM

Twig had come clean about the way that she felt towards the man whose name was Themisto. Pulsus himself had never found someone, and didn't plan on finding someone, who could illicit the same feelings that this man did from his younger sister. It was a bit strange to listen to Twig describe this man like he was the very reason that she was breathing, but at the same time it made the titan wonder what it would feel like to have something like that with someone. After talking with her about him, he felt a bit more comfortable with his sister being around Themisto and so silently he had decided that he would allow his sister to have alone time with the man without her big brother looming about. If only he had known how much he would regret that decision for the rest of his life.

He hadn't heard from Twig all day. He figured that she had been spending time with Themisto, but it was beginning to get late in the day and still he hadn't heard anything from Twig. Worry began to set in and Pulsus quickly found himself searching for his sister, not caring if she was still with Themisto or not. He needed to know where she was and what she was doing because frankly there was a bad feeling in his gut and he needed to find her; now. Anxious pawsteps would bring the man towards a place he wasn't sure if he'd visited before, but felt as if it were familiar. He had caught Twig's scent here and he would follow it, weaving through the tall trees, mismatched gaze frantically searching for his sister's ebony and ivory figure. What he saw left the man at a loss for words, the rage sweeping over him nearly suffocating him. TWIG! would come his low, booming voice breaching the distance between them. Pulsus would race forward his body already bowing towards the earth as he came up beside his sister, his wild gaze running over her crumpled body. Twig, Twig! What happened?! Tell me!

There was a trembling to his voice that had never been there before. There was an unknown scent that clung to her pelt, one that didn't belong to Themisto. Something had happened to his sister and when he found out who was responsible for it, he would make sure that they never lived to see another sunrise and that they would never make it farther than the deepest gates of hell.

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