
hello old f r i e n d we meet again


03-24-2013, 05:02 PM

Ma'am? Ocena jumped a little when the wolf appeared as if from nowhere, glancing around herself wildly, trying to see who else he could be speaking to. It couldn't be her, could it? Ocena had never been addressed as 'ma'am' in living memory. None of her old pack had respected her enough to do so, none in Glaciem had done so either. But there was no one else around. Which meant he had to be talking to her.

Well. That was weird. But it wouldn't do to be rude. So, with a twitch of her tail, Ocena turned her head to gaze at the other black and white creature, "Hello," Ocena paused, ears swivelling around for a moment, "I am Ocena. Lovely to meet you, Hercules." She paused for a moment after this, frowning a little as she thought. Hercules. That wasn't a name that she had heard in a long while. Not since . . . Her brother.

Frowning, Ocena fixed him beneath her mismatched gaze. He certainly looked like she did, but. That was far too much of a coincidence, wasn't it? Twitching her ears, Ocena shook her head slightly, trying not to think about that too much. He couldn't be her brother. This was all far too much of a coincidence. "What brings you to a place like this?" Ocena asked in a conversational tone, ears twitching as she gazed at Hercules. This couldn't be her brother.

Denial was an interesting thing, to say the least.
