
The Return Of The Valhallans



02-26-2014, 08:41 AM
Odette was nearly excited enough for the both of them. Chrysanthe would did not stay away from her daughter for long. As foreign as it felt to be a follower and not a leader to the wolves of Valhalla, and as difficult as it was to accept that most still appreciated her for leading as long as she did and that for some reason they didn't blame her for losing their home in the first place - they were first and foremost her family. And so with a subtle hesitation to her step, she would keep her one eyed gaze on her quickly growing daughter. She was amused by how well the girl hid her anticipation - and would lean over and nuzzle the girl, a half smile pulling at her dark lips.

Home. In the end this was still home for her - despite her losses here, both physical and the loss of those she loved - these plains held too much of Valhalla to ever really move them away. When Odette looked at these lands she saw history, she saw a story - but the once alpha couldn't help but see those that had been buried here, but inwardly cringe whenever she swore she saw a bloodstain on the grassy plains. She rarely ever really did, but after the siege...

The woman would pull herself out of her bitter reverie, forcing herself to focus on the good that had happened here. On the happiness that the others felt coming back. So long as this was home to them, and they were happy here, she would swallow her fears and pride and do her best to ignore it. Erani's words were cement to her resolve - this was Valhalla's home, and it always would be. She would hold back a sigh, offering her mother a smile in return to her own, it was missing half the wattage of the older fae's own.

She would have to thank her mother for reclaiming the pack she had lost here soon. Chrysanthe had not expected for Erani to pick up the reigns and be Valhalla's needed leader, but she had done so without being asked to. If she could, she would strive to better herself to take the woman's place in due time - she was an older lupine after all, wise, but she would do well with a wolf in their prime to fight for her - act as her shield at the very least when Glaciem decided to pick at them once again.

It was just hard to tell whether that was the one eyed woman's place though. She had spent the better part of the last year leading Valhalla - perhaps it was someone else's turn to pick up what she started. She would speak to her mother about it all in due time, for now, she would try and find the warm feeling of being home that she should have started feeling a while back.