
Restless Summer Air...



4 Years
02-26-2014, 06:59 PM

Somewhere in the back of his head was a warning. Somewhere a little voice was trying to tell him not to let his body start calling the shots. Somewhere the yearning of his loins devoured that little voice and Baldur's mind fell all consumed to every shift in Raisa's breath, every muscle twitch of her alluring form. Even so he would wait for her to make the first move. His scent would shift and curl around and send all the signals he needed to say and if she was truly interested in joining flesh and flesh he would not deny her.

Baldur's heart lifted to his throat as she rose to her paws, his tail shifting elegantly behind him, glowing white in the tempid light of the full moon that had finally broken free of the horizon. Raisa's dark pelt began to give itself to the shadows leaving her eyes to shine like stars from her form. Every paw step that brought her closer sent a soft shudder purring down his spine and when she crouched near him their combined heat was almost more than he could stand. This burning was unlike anything the noon summer sun could deal him. Unlike anything he'd ever felt before.

"However, it requires a certain degree of... cooperation."

A seductive chuckle rolled from Baldur's maw. He understood the indirect question and met it with an indirect answer. "My Lady Raisa, as an accidental trespasser I think it is in my best interest to cooperate with anything milady suggests?"

He couldn't stand it any longer, this distance between them, this bewitching anticipation that had him internally coiling and writhing. Slowly, his legs uncoiled pushing him sensuously to his feet, maw parting ever so slightly as his tongue wet his lips. Ice blue eyes remained fixed on her, every scent-filled inch of her. He moved forward to press his body against her's as his tongue moved to like her neck, just at the corner of her jaw.