
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings



02-26-2014, 07:15 PM

Something would pull the restless man from his den and toward the orchard, as if some Themisto magnet had been placed there centuries ago. Perhaps it was the looming memories of sweet Twig that drew him here, or the beckoning calls of sweet fruit in season. The reasoning behind his sudden departure was still unknown, but he would find himself trotting steadily down an isle of trees, sunset hued gaze bounding between each one. Audits would perk forward as faint barks caressed his ears, and he would come to a halt, head swinging swiftly toward the calls direction. He could not make out the strangers words, but they sounded distressed and frightened, and that was enough to send the healer running. He would stride down the isle, weaving through rows of towering trees until the duo came into his vision. Vaguely he could see a darker figure looming over a smaller one who was laying on the ground, and the first thought to cross his mind was danger. Instinctively his hackles would raise, and his eyes would narrow as he bolted toward the unknown man. As he drew closer Twig's pungent perfume would waft across his nostrils, causing them to quiver madly. Was that.. Twig? And was this man hurting her? He would come barreling forward, his head lowered as he intended to ram straight into this male- but when he realized the male attempting to comfort her, he would hit the breaks.

Frenzied he would come to a sloppy halt, and once he had gotten control of his body he would come forward slowly. Audits folded at the sound of Twig sobbing, and he would come to stop beside them. His eyes instinctively began rolling along the crevasses of her body, gaze examining her injuries. She was battered, beaten, and bruised, and it was clear that her attacker had intended to do this much damage. Slender legs would collapse beneath him so that he could also lay beside her, though he would make no motion to touch her just yet. She seemed to be okay with the stranger touching her, so he would not promptly chase him away. Instead his gaze would rise to meet his, concern spread across his facial features. "Wha....- what happened? And... Who are you?" He would inquire, his voice broken and brimming with fear as he gave the man his name. "I-i'm Themisto.. Themisto Mathias..." Why was Twig sobbing, what had happened to her, and who did this to her? He would glance away from the man so that he could look down at Twig, who was curled within a tight ball and blocking the world out. So badly he wanted to touch her, to comfort her, but he wouldn't. He still couldn't overstep that boundary.
