
Chocolate is good for the soul



02-26-2014, 07:50 PM

She never had to wait long for someone in the family came to greet her. Usually it was Novella, who again would be the first to greet her. Tail wagged happily beside her, her face had become softer, if it was possible. She looked ever much a mother. It was starting to soften up her rough edges, more endearing. Her younger sister pleasure at seeing her was a relief to the expecting mother. She couldn't explain why she had been and was still so nervous and on edge. Novella, always a pleasure to see you. She replied and leaned in to nuzzle her sister and lick her cheek. She felt so happy and warm now, loved and safe.

Next to come was Novel. She still wasn't sure how the young girl felt towards her. It broke her heart and nearly almost had her about to beg to stay in the pack again. But then Gitan would be unhappy. He was loyal to Tuarig through and through. Nothing would sake him from changing his loyal to the once alpha. Symphony admired that about her mate. But what she had not expected was the warm and friendly greeting from her niece. Ragging hormones pulled tears from her eyes to see her niece happy and talking to her again. She would smile to the point it hurt her lips. She stood up and lean down and nuzzle her niece tenderly.

Mid-way into her intended nuzzling a sharp pain froze her. She gasped out, eyes widening. Again after a few heartbeats it happened again, pulling a groan from her. Contraction. She was going into labor right now! She squinted through her pain to give a small smile.>Sooner than we thought I suppose. Can we use my old den? Anywhere else doesn't feel right.. She said softly. She tried to keep her panic back and focus of slow even breaths. Turning to Novella, she silently asked for help moving to the den. Surely by the end of this night the pups would be born
