
Restless Summer Air...



5 Years
02-26-2014, 07:56 PM

The man's tone had turned smoldering, and it set something afire within the sooty fae. She wondered if perhaps the auburn patches of her fur might grow with her heat, and that surely the patches of snow would melt away. The woman of ash and fire and snow and ice was overwhelmed by the urges her body presented. Her control slipped away, bit by bit, until she was sure to snap. She lay herself beside the man, letting his scent fill her nose, letting his fur brush hers. She pressed her form to his, reveling in the hard muscle beneath, and shuddering ever so slightly in anticipation. The night was heady with the sounds and smells of life, and all around them the small glowing bugs came to life. Raisa felt something within her chest begin to swell with want, in something deep in her gut begin to tingle. I am queen here, she purred to herself. And all I lay my eyes on is mine... And oh, how her eyes were upon him. She realized a bit belatedly that his form was larger than the average male, his build impressive, his fur lush and his face handsome. The thought of heirs crossed her mind, but only briefly. Tonight was not about that... She savored the feel of this man against her, this man that was hardly more than a stranger, but for now he was the most important wolf in her world. Raisa placed her muzzle at his ear and whispered, ever so softly, "Well handsome, I'm ready when you are..."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!