
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings

Twig I


02-26-2014, 11:35 PM

The loud booming voice of her protective brother would crack through her layers of denial. Her orchid eyes would open miserably as the tears would continue down her face, the world was still a blur that she wasn't up to dealing with. She felt so broken and used as his eyes ran over her sunken form, she would hear his words but she felt incredible reluctance to relive the days events so quickly. He was so serious though, she found it hard to with hold him what he wanted. There was something in his voice she knew she aught not to deny. She would take too long to gather her thoughts, as another form would appear. She felt such conflict within her, part of her was happier than shed ever felt when his words would caress her ears. The other part would wish him to never see her like this, completely broken and left to die. Even more so now she would feel unworthy of his friendship, but even his voice held a quiver she'd never heard before.
She would push into Pulsus' comforting side, she would ignore the fear and doubt in their voices. She didn't want to be strong, she did not want to accept this crime upon her body. But it had been done, she was defiled and ruined by the unknown being. She wanted to keep crying alone, to recover by herself and act like it had never even happened. To push the event completely from her mind and never think on such things again. But she couldn't.
Very much she realized how deeply these two men cared for her, she knew that they deserved an explanation. No matter how much it hurt,?"it.. He.. Something.. Surprised me on my way to see Themisto." she would try to avoid his face, but his sun gilded gaze was too much to ignore. She was unsure what she saw there, and would be again split on her emotions. Partially glad for his distance, but deeper she wished for his caress against her bruised skin.?"It attacked me and over powered me easily, having its way with me shortly after." she would almost choke ?on the bitterness that was infused through out her lyrics. The numbness would take its hold over her once again as the words she had just spoken would also spoil her stomach. Bitterness and anger would begin to seep through her withered shell.
She would bury her face into her brother's neck fur again retreating from her cruel reality.?
