
Sweet punishment


02-26-2014, 10:01 PM

A brief nod would be given to the boy. She was certain that he would not fail. Power was within his reach, he'd be a fool to let it slip away. She felt the slight shift of his weight as he leaned into her touch. Just promise me you will not betray me. She would take a step back, looking at the dark boy evenly. She didn't much about his family, or his past, other than that Jupiter had killed his father. But what about his mother? Siblings? They apparently did not share the same relationship as her and Demy.

"I would only betray you, if you betrayed me." She made it clear that he had her loyalty, he was one of the few, and that she would treasure until the end of time. A small smile played on her lips, it was a rare moment when she showed that she truly cared, but for a brief moment it would play on her features before slipping away.

"Now come, we have much to do." She would step towards him again, moving to brush against his side, her tail curling around his chest as she slid by. Briefly it occurred to her that the two had never shared their bodies, had never bonded to each other physically. For a moment she would linger at his side, crown turning to glance at him over her shoulder.

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