
Chocolate is good for the soul



6 Years
02-26-2014, 11:42 PM

He hadn?t been certain that he wanted to her to leave the island again, not this pregnant at least. He could tell from the curve of her belly that the pups would be along any day now, possibly even today. Still there was no persuading his little mate once she set her mind to it, he loved her for it, but that did not stop him from worrying. He followed her, he would not stray too far from her now. Though as they drew close to the boarder he did fall behind some, if Symphony did not feel fully accepted by Ludicael, then Gitan felt almost isolated. Regardless of what they really thought of him that way, he always felt that they knew him as the man that had taken their Symphony away.
As she called out though he sped up to stand beside her, smiling warmly as Novella approached. It seemed Symphony?s younger sister was always first to arrive, clearly having no issues with his little mate. " Et bon Apres-Midi a vouz ma belle.?" He gently nuzzled Sympony?s shoulder as another wolf joined them, this one much younger than he had met before though there was still no mistaking the Destruction resemblance. Though of all of the family he had met she young girl was the first he had met with black markings. His suspicions were confirmed as the yearling called out for Sympony as she approached.
Aunt eh? I wonder? He had no real idea which of Song?s pups had been Sympony?s apprentice and he wondered if it might be the young girl standing before him. Symphony sure seemed happy to see the girl and he stepped back a moment to so as to give the pair a bit of space.
He was back at her side in an instant though as she groaned, seeming to falter a bit. He lowered himself some propping her up with his shoulder. He moved with her as she asked for her old den. Then it was happening wasn?t it? A bit of panic rose up in him, the pups were coming! He wasn?t quite sure what to do, or even if he was ready to be a father, only that he would not leave his little mate?s side.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think
Hover for translations!