
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings


02-27-2014, 12:20 AM

It wasn't long after his arrival that a second figure would appear beside his sister; Themisto. He had never seen the man before in his life, but the familiar scent that tended to cling to his sister's pelt alerted Pulsus to the man's arrival. He would come to lie beside Twig just as the titan had, his golden gaze searching the Wraith's as he questioned who he was. Despite knowing who it was, Pulsus couldn't help the rumbling, throaty growl that would vibrate through his chest as he pressed himself against his sister, using his larger mass a physical barrier between her and the rest of the world. He knew that Themisto meant her no harm, but in this moment, he would not allow anyone beside himself to touch her. Her eldest Brother Pulsus Wraith Black. He would be cordial with his response, not bothering to engage in pleasantries. Now was not the time for such things; he could hardly care what kind of impression he left with Themisto. What he cared about what finding out who had hurt his sister.

He could feel Twig pushing herself against him, trying to bury herself into his ghostly ivory fur and the gargantuan would comply, reaching over with his sooty right forelimb to drape it across her shoulders, using it pull her closer. He wasn't prepared to hear what Twig had to tell them. it.. He.. Something.. Surprised me on my way to see Themisto. It attacked me and over powered me easily, having its way with me shortly after. An uncontrollable snarl would erupt from his pale jaws as they came together with a powerful snap, rage unlike any other boiling hot through his veins. Whoever the bastard was would have to hope that luck was on their side because when he was found, no mercy would be shown! The snarl would bubble continuously from his jaws as he felt his sister bury her face into his neck, his muzzle dipping downwards to fold over her crown. His shard like gaze of ice and amethyst would dance to Themisto's, warning the man to keep his distance. He could tell that he wanted to help, but the Wraith had it under control at the moment. No words would slip from his pale lips as the snarl slowly began to die, his body curling in on itself as he cocooned his sister. This was the last time he would leave her alone. Ever.

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