
Do you feel useless yet? [Eowyn]


02-27-2014, 12:40 AM

There had been no need for Ian to reach him at Fontamo Bay. Birch had been following ?owyn's scent as it was, something stirring in him as he kept moving. At the moment he was under the believe his mate was simply out collected more followers for their pack. He had been on his way to search for Aranya but something nagged at him. In the event that he might be gone a little for longer than expected he wanted to speak with her one more time, to assure her not to worry about him and he'd return to her as soon as he could with news.

?owyn's scent hung in the air as he traveled closer, missing Ian, though perhaps that, for the moment, wasn't so bad. He would arrive on scene with purple eyes widening at first. What... was going on? ?o... was fighting? The scent of the other female was strong... it didn't take Birch all that long to figure out what was taking place. Lingering just beyond the borders the male would let out a snarl, his normally joyful face turning into something quite dark. He would pin his ears back, fur sticking up with rage. Damn this woman, whoever she was. He felt helpless... was helpless. If anything happened to his beloved mate though... if ?o was taken from him... no... he couldn't think like that. Wouldn't think like that. He would flick his ears back, watching worriedly from the sidelines.
