
Chocolate is good for the soul



5 Years
02-27-2014, 03:34 AM

"Novella, always a pleasure to see you." Symphony returned the greeting in a language that the younger Destruction clearly understood. " Et bon Apres-Midi a vouz ma belle." Though pleased to see her sister once more, the confusion at Gitan's odd language so new to her ears did cause the smile to fade slightly, not at all sure what had been said. There was an interruption though before she had the chance to ask what the word meant.

Mismatched eyes turned to look towards her niece, glad to see she had come to Symphony's aid. "Welcome back aunt Symphony! I see you've brought me new cousins to hopefully meet soon." Her voice was clear and friendly, much more like the Novel that she was used to seeing, not the wary and timid looking young girl she had been upon Symphony's previous visits. Did this mean that things were getting back to normal now within the family? She wouldn't get too excited just yet, though she was very hopeful.

"Sooner than we thought I suppose. Can we use my old den? Anywhere else doesn't feel right.." Quickly Novella moved wordlessly to her sister's other side, between herself and Gitan they could certainly support Symphony and keep her on her feet until they reached the den. "Of course you can." She answered, the den fortunately hadn't been touched since Symphony had left, Novella was glad about that; it would have been rather odd to see another wolf in the den she was so used to seeing occupied by her sister.

"Novel, do you need to get anything? Gitan and I can get Symphony to the den and we can meet you there." She wasn't sure how swiftly Symphony would be able to move, for all she knew Novel could still beat them there. She did hope so, not sure at all how she would be able to help her sister in anyway, Novel, the newest healer of the family had a better idea. She would have offered to get anything herself, though her niece not only was more knowledgeable with what to do but also with what to use. Besides with size differences it was probably easier for Novella to help Symphony than little Novel, plus her sister probably would know what to do anyway.