
Fading Mist



10 Years
02-27-2014, 04:50 AM

The scouting mission that had been given to Chrysanthe and Odette made the yearling quiver with excitement. She was ready to see the lands that had been claimed by Erani since they had stepped back onto the Plains. More land meant more to see and it was a sign from the heavens above that Odette should remain at home for a few days in a row. She didn't know how she was going to take it, but it was a nice way to spend time with her mother and that was what mattered.
As her paws caressed the unknown and misty ground beneath her, Odette's curiosity got the best of her. She strayed away from Chrysanthe, more than eager to start the journey across the misty terrain. Red and blue eyes tried to look through the mist, hoping that she would be able to catch signs of life or greenery within walking distance. She was a yard or two from her mother, even though Chrysanthe couldn't tell because of the fog. It was here that she stood, pondering about the blanketed surroundings. Her eyes strained to see through the neverending blanket of white foam, but it was hopeless. The young lady couldn't see past her own nose!
Chrysanthe's voice rang out and an impatient sigh escaped through Odette's dark kissers. "I hope it does!" She said loudly, only making her tone slightly higher than usual so her mother could hear. Impatience was evident in her words as she turned to look back to the russet-furred female and voiced, "If fog is going to become a regular thing here, then I won't like it too much." Only Chrysanthe would be the one who would ever hear Odette's frustrations. Even though the girl was surrounded by family, she only completely trusted her adopted mother.
Slowly, she turned her gaze back to where she previously looked and saw some unusual shapes in the distance. "Just what only looks like bushes and some trees...Nothing has moved since we have shown up, but I expect that is because we are complete strangers to this land." An ear flicked in the direction of her mother and she let a soft smile appear on her usual placid face. "I hope that if the fog isn't here all the time, I will get to know this place like the back of my paw. There is too much in this world to not want to know about!"

"Talk" "You" Think


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