



03-28-2014, 08:29 PM

Weary eyes would watch her as she seemed to grow in annoyance at his refusal. He knew this could well be the outcome, but the other consequence was not one that bare thinking upon. He watched as she slumped against the ground, turning away from him with an angry twitch of her tail. His breathing was still uneven, his world still seemed unsteady around him and he fought for reality and stability. Her displeased actions that brought her away from him at least gave him a slight respite. It took him a moment, but he grew a little in strength with every breath he took now.

He saw her anger, but he saw something else, he saw a hint of sorrow against her striking features and he knew that he had done more then upset her, he had rejected her.
?Oh Liberty, you don't know just how close I came to losing myself. Believe me, you are very attractive. But I can not be that wolf, I would be in it for love and nothing less?
He whispered softly, he did not want her to doubt himself, despite or maybe even because of everything he still felt very close to her. He cared for her, even if he could never give her what she wanted. Still, he wanted her to be well and be happy. With an inner sigh of sadness he thought that in a strange sort of way he had even let her down, if that could possibly make sense. Regardless, he could not and would not change his mind. He could not betray himself, his pack, and his Lyric.

He moved, abide hesitantly, towards her, and although he would not touch her with his nose he would bring his face a little closer to hers, to look her in the eyes.
?And I do like you, sweet Liberty. Can we not have some fun without that kind of interaction?? He asked her softly, afraid that she would hate him and he would lose this strange, compelling wolf forever.
