
Chocolate is good for the soul



10 Years
02-27-2014, 11:52 AM
Novel would keep to the she wolves of her family, her oceanic eyes keeping away from Gitan. Her mother may have easily forgiven him, but a part of Novel felt that if he never existed Symphony would still be a part of Ludicael and her training. It was easy to ignore him as she realized her aunt was beginning her labor. Remaining calm, but letting the excitement run through her veins she had to get ready. She would save the interrupted snuggle for later, she knew that she needed to get her herbs together and Symphony needed to be walked to her den. "Make sure she's the one doing the moving, okay Novella? The more she walks the quicker the pups will maneuver into place. So think about taking the long way while I get my stash." she was glad she had Elohim to help carry, the different shape of his paws had helped her on more than one occasion. She would nuzzle Symphony once more as the two other wolves prepared to take her to the old den. "I'm going to do what Bhaire has taught me, okay? Since we never really got around to births..." she hoped it was okay because she wouldnt give the wolf time to answer. She was off running back towards her den, Elohim clinging to her back as she made her way there as fast as she could.
She would arrive back at her little refuge quickly, her form ducking into the old tree. Her eyes would adjust to the dim light, but not before her companion's. He was already grabbing the herbs they needed before Novel could say anything. The pair was quickly ready to deliver some babies, so with Elohim's arms full and a few plants in Novels mouth she would race to Symphony's old den. She knew that she would arrive first, so the two would quickly clean the place up to make it comfortable for the laboring she wolf and her new children.?
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