
to know so little, to feel so much



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-27-2014, 01:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2014, 01:35 PM by Erani.)

The speed with which the young male obeyed a request made her wonder just what he had gone through in his short life. By his scent, he was two years, nearly three. Yet his eyes were old, expecting pain to befall him. So much to be read in that mismatched set of green and gold. Pain, fear, suspicion. What he spoke the name Valhalla, he cringed as though expecting to be punished for speaking. This didn?t come from being born timid? This was trained. Beaten into him.

How much she wanted to curl around this young male and protect him as her question brought more of that mix of emotions flooding his face and eyes. The eyes flicked up to meet hers, then dropped to the ground as he finally answered, in such a soft voice she had to perk one ear to catch it. That decided her. ?Come with me, Tyr. My brother made a kill a few days ago, and there is still plenty to eat.? She turned and set off at a slow pace, allowing him to keep up with her instead of ranging ahead and leaving him behind.

How she wanted to sink her teeth into the wolves that had damaged this boy?s emotions so badly. ?Would you like to join Valhalla, Tyr?? It was a gently voiced question, leaving two paths open for the boy. He could either choose to stay, or go his own way; After she?d seem him eat enough to make his sides bulge.

The walk wasn?t far. In fact, Tyr might have eventually stumbled across the deer carcass himself if she?d not encountered him. She sat aside, her own stomach full from an earlier meal. ?Eat as much as you can hold. Slowly though. Too fast and you could become ill.? She settled down on her belly, tail curled around her haunches, allowing him full reign on the carcass.