
I said I'm coming back, I'm coming back around


02-27-2014, 05:11 PM

It wasn't long before the first wolf in her family came. Loccian. Walking towards her mother, Silveris licked the former queen as she asked what was wrong. Lowering her head a little, Silveris sat down in front of her mother and thought of how to tell her mother that she was leaving. Turning her head a little to her left side to lick the large pink scar, the yearling closed her eyes for a minute. It was time for her to see the world, maybe make her mother a proud grandmother, or start a new pack of her own, one like Seracia. It would be hard, but definitely worth it. If it made her mother proud, it was worth it. I'm....I want to leave and see the world outside Seracia. Maybe Biull or Bekkia found their way here. If they have, I need to find them. I'm sorry, mother, but you understand, don't you? Stopping there, partly to catch her breath from her speech, partly to see her mother's expression, Silveris waited to see what Loccian would say.

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