
might is power



5 Years
02-27-2014, 05:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2014, 05:31 PM by Aldoro.)

The man's sad eyes swept over the girl once more, her large frame often rising quickly to her sobbing. By this he could tell that his appearance wasn't very helpful. He cradled is legs around her and nuzzled her neck softly, trying his best to lift her spirit. But it just seemed impossible with her heart shattered like this. The boys tail shifted around the snow behind him soundlessly. But eventually, it made it's way to Six's tail, and they intertwined quickly. Even with this constant love...he just couldn't seem to smile. He felt horrible. It was his fault she lost. He had made her too soft and unfocused for the challenge. Aldoro let forth a silent whine, and he lowered his head onto her shoulder gently. Silence wrapped around them both, besides Six's heavy breathes and sobs.

Eventually words rang out into the cold air. "I love you, my darling." Finally, the man smiled. When she turned to him, he leaned forward and swept his tongue below her eyes, where some tears lingered about. Although finding it unnecessary to answer to her now, he continued to listen to the words that echoed around him...---News. What news? Bad ones? It was hard to tell by Six's saddened voice. But the news seemed bad already. Aldoro leaned in to her next words, and a massive grin stretched upon his maw. Pups! Oh, how he loved pups! Beautiful little Six's running around below him, and soon, growing up to be wonderful wolves. These news just shoved his sadness aside...and, he almost seemed more happy about this than Six was. Excitement would burst from his chest as he grinned. As she licked him, he nuzzled her cheek in return, and opened his maw to ever so happy words. "Oh Six, they will be beautiful!"