
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]


03-24-2013, 08:11 PM

(OOC: @ CLASH :: Basically Arcane is in tears and Saix is kind of watery eyed. Arcane tried to annoy the fact that Saix was her old mate, but he broke her. Also sorry for the kind of crappy post :x)
She walked backwards swiftly, as if she were afraid. No she wasn't afraid, she was hurt. Something was killing her on the inside. It was destroying her and she couldn't take it anymore. Saix watched her move, watched her move back, watched the tears come off her face. They dropped to the ice and snow only melting little droplets of the surface. Saix looked at her in awe, his maw opened a bit as his eyes watched her back away. He blinked the orbs of neon and moved his chin to the ground. The reflected color of his eyes left as the tear ran down his fur and fell to the ground. He pushed himself off the ground and stood with his nose pointing to the ground and his eyes remained closed. He couldn't describe the feelings inside him. He didn't know what was going on between his feelings and his mind. His mind told him this girl was a stranger. But his heart told him otherwise. His heart ached for her, it needed her.
What is going on.

Saix's nose remained pointed at the ground. He didn't hear the other wolf approach the two, but once she spoke he gave no reaction. His orbs stayed hidden and he didn't want to move even a muscle.

The brute was confused with all kinds of emotions inside him. He needed to know what he was missing. Both of these females knew who he was, but not either of them his mind even struck a flag. "I'm sorry but..." Saix lifted his head up to the multi-Colored wolf opening his watery neon eyes and continuing to talk. "I don't inderstand anything that is going on right now." His expression was now troubled, but he stood in the same position with his head lowered looking up at the large female. "So if you could please tell me, why are both of you so shocked to see me?"

(OOC: Posting order is now "Saix-Arcane-Crusade")
