
Martyrs of the night


02-27-2014, 06:53 PM

Herbs in her mouth the woman had been getting better and better within her little state of mind. She was starting to return to her usual self, if not less, unresponsive to everything. She wasn't an alphess anymore, so she needed to stop acting as if she was one. The small mint leaves were in the edges of her mouth avoiding them being eaten or anything other than that. She was heading back to Valhalla but stopped herself remembering this was where she had run into Platinum, her aunt. The woman was in ebony now, but it had been enough of a push to make Vahva want to better herself for everyone in her family. Vahva wasn't going to wallow in self pity anymore. Her ears flicked, the tattered one fully healed now the same as her leg. Leaving two scars to remind her who she was. Same with her mane, and the thoughts and memories of those around her.
She wiggled around a bit, tail flicking behind her as she set the herbs delicately down and began to wash her face. She had a few scratches from a mouse that had caught her while collecting the herbs. So it stung a little but no healing was needed simply a good washing and then leave them be. After she sighed, smiling softly as she looked at her reflection. What a broken piece of art she was.
