
A new era



6 Years
02-27-2014, 08:38 PM

His family had let him go just like that and the young man hadn't spared a glance back. Perhaps they had made a mistake by allowing young Caeto to venture off on his own had they known who he was going to seek out, but it was much too late now. His parents had relinquished their hold on him and even though they were his parents, he didn't really have to take orders from them. Anything they told him from this moment on would be taken as a friendly suggestion; nothing more. Part of him felt at odds with himself; he had known nothing but the safety of his family's home. But things were different now. He was going to be able to do whatever he wanted, form his own family, his own pack if he wanted! But right now his only concern was locating Zaria. He had to tell her of his new found freedom and he had to know if she what her plans were. He would follow the girl anywhere.

Her scent had become stale at the borders of his old pack and so the russet man had taken to the nearby lands, hunting for her scent until he caught a fresh trail of it. Adrenaline would spike through his veins as his powerful legs drove him towards the origin of her scent. He would pass through strange territories that he had never been in before, catching whiffs of other pack scents, but Caeto would pay them no mind. He was here to find Zaria and he was nearly to her. His abdomen would clench as his heart jumped started in his chest, azure gaze falling on her familiar silvery blue/grey figure. He would notice her standing beside a larger silver woman with a blazing coral gaze and Caeto would immediately bring his barreling gallop into a steady trot, russet plume level with his spine, body posture neutral. There was air about the older woman that said she wasn't to be trifled with and the young man would be smart to heed it. he would bring himself to a stop several yards away, quietly watching the pair, wondering if Zaria would notice his arrival.

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