
Meet & Greet


02-27-2014, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2014, 12:12 AM by Melody.)
The auburn and silver woman was happy and content here. It had been a short while but the fae had already found a comfortable den and had still had time to practice her fighting on a red fox that she had eaten later for dinner. The woman was stuffed full of food and happy to take a short walk along the shoreline to stretch her limbs.

Golden-hazel eyes evaluated the lakes shore and were surprised to see the forms of two females she had met briefly at the first pack meeting. Her eyes warmed at the thought of company, and she quickened her pace to greet them. This encounter would be much different than the last, she was sure. She had been in desperate need of food and shelter those weeks ago. Now she was relaxed and willing to show a bit of the personality that she often kept hidden from strangers.

She reached the pair quickly, due to her long limbs and equally measured strides. A smile spread warmly across her ebony lips as she dipped her head to the first, the alabaster queen. Then she turned her head to see the second, and felt her muscles tense.

"Are you alright, milady? Has someone attacked you?" She turned her head to the queen and gave her a questioning stare, hoping that the queen herself had not turned against her own member. The air hadn't seemed tense with battle...perhaps she was hurt from an opposing pack? Concern came off her pelt in waves.