
Chocolate is good for the soul



02-27-2014, 09:22 PM

She could here voices outside and frowned, she didn't want Gitan gone. What if something happened? Who would guard the den? It was then at Atlas hopped into the den "I will be the messenger between you and Gitan. I am sure he is nervous but still he needs something to keep him busy." He said softly, leaned in to nuzzle her cheek. Quickly though he flapped backwards to the entrance of the den.

When Novel walked in, Symphony could not help but tense up, cautious and wary for a second till she realized it was only Novel. She licked her lips, As ready as I can be. I trust you Novel. She grunted out as contractions so strong squeezed the breath out of her. She knew what it meant, the first pup was coming. For her slightly small frame it would not be too difficult to bare her pup into the but it was not an easy task. But in time a small bundle laid near her rump. Nature had full control of her actions as she twisted to clean her first born pup. Oh what a handsome little male he was. Gentle as a feather caressing one's cheek, she nudge him to her belly. Her eyes filled with wonderment and joy.

But she was not done yet, two more lives fight their way into the world. Panting now she laid her head back down. It was many moments before her body could gather enough strength to push the next pup out. Another male, as she turned to clean this one a sharp pain made her whelp. Something was wrong. She shook her head to focus. Novel...the last pup..i think is twisted the wrong way. You need to reposition it. Take your paws...and feel for the pup. Gently knead and press it and see it you cant move it. She said between pants. She was slowly growing weak, but her stubborn personality would not let her give in till all pups were born and safe.

Atlas ruffled his feathers and took into the air. High and high he went, his large sharp eyes looking for Gitan and Novella. His flight thankfully was short as he dived back towards the land. Screeching he called out to them. Flustered he landed ungracefully before them. Two male, one to go. But something's wrong. Symphony thinks the last one is turned the wrong way. He told them quickly. No doubt with that info the two would race back now so he took to the air once more to return.

If things went well Symphony would give birth to the third and last pup. This one was much darker than the other two. As well as being different in color this one was a female. Exhaustion stole Symphony away. She couldn't even lift her head to clean her pups and bring them to her belly to take their first drink. Eye lids fluttered, heavy, willing her to sleep. My..babies.. she muttered in a whisper, eyes closing.

image by Luisiana