
Null and Void



02-28-2014, 01:17 AM
The fea made her way up the side of the mountain. These new lands intrigued her to no extent and she was very glad she'd made her way here. Tessi hadn't had the easiest time making it this far in life, but she'd done fine enough with her parents and siblings at her side. But this was a new leaf for her, she found herself thinking as she climbed up the side of the mountain, duel colored eyes watching every single step. She was positive she'd manage to survive, what with all that her father had taught her about hunting small game. Here there was surely nothing left to do but develop her skills even farther and gain more of them. There where packs in these lands, that much she'd figured out. It was both a good thing and a bad thing. If she joined a pack and got a job solely as a huntress, she wouldn't end up having to fight. But she didn't have the courage to just walk in and ask for a seat among the ranks.

Finally as she reached the opening in the side of the mountain, one of many she assumed, her curiosity got the better of her and she entered the cavern. She made her way deeper into the darkness, a thrill running though her body at the passage she was traveling. When she was younger, too young to go off on her own, she'd have never been brave enough to do something like this. But now one grey eye and one green eye scanned the darkness as she traveled deeper and deeper into the darkness. Finally, she made her way to a small cave in the tunnels. A small pool of water collected in the middle and faint blue green light reflected across the room. The stone underneath was smooth and the the water was crystal clear. She found herself walking to the edge of the water and sitting, settling her tail on her paws, then she brought her head down and lapped from the cool water. A smile touched her face as she did so. A thought passed through her mind. This might be the place she settled.