
Null and Void



02-28-2014, 02:07 AM
The grey fea jumped at first when the other, larger woman made her appearance. Unease settled within her but she did her best to suppress it. But the fea did bear a somewhat friendly smile on her face that gave some ease to the girl. She didn't expect anything off the bat here now. Summoning her voice, she responed in kind with a shaky nod of her head and a fair greeting, meeting her gaze head on with her grey left eye and green right eye. "Hello there, friend." Her use of the word friend was simply for lack of a better term to insert into the space behind her greeting. She didn't dare declare this woman her friend. In fact, something about her caused a sense of unease within the poor girl.

This was not helped by the way that the other woman just came and sat down beside the girl. Flashing Tessi with her white grin. She did her best to put up an uneasy smile of her own, somewhat confused and intranced by the woman's sweet, honey laced words. Because of all this, all she could do was set there frozen for a moment before finally finding her voice again. "Y-Yes I do, actually. This place is rather intriguing." It was all she could find the words to say, still somewhat taken by surprise. Inside she was secretly scalding herself. The only reason she'd finally worked up the courage to go off on her own was that she had believed she was finally strong enough to meet other wolves head on and not fold under pressure. But she was proving quite wrong at that so far.