
Tell Me Again [Sokee bbys]


02-28-2014, 04:11 PM

They were coming. His second litter of children were nearly here. It was surprising to the ebony man to think that he was going to become a father for the second time in his life. He and his wife had done good with raising their first littler of children; they were marvelous little creatures. And now they would do it all over again with these new pups. Cherokee had gone out that morning to fetch his wife something to eat, knowing that she would be hungry when she woke up. He had been in the middle of the hunt, about to secure the rabbit when suddenly the figure of his only son appeared beside him. Mom is about to give birth dad! You have to hurry! The knight didn't even bother giving his boy a response, abandoning the hunt as he raced back towards the den.

The first thing to hit him upon arrival were the sights and smells of the strange wolves that were surrounding his den. Immediately his hackles would bristle, ebony and ivory ears flattening against his skull, a low rumbling growl vibrating through his chest as he thundered onto the scene, bi-colored optics running over the figures of his daughter and a strange man. He would give the stranger a passing cold glance as he moved towards the den only to realize that there was another stranger already there, an elder woman to be exact. He would growl louder as he approached the mouth of the den, dark plume curled high over his hips. What are you doing to my wife? he would rumble, using his massive size to block the entrance. This woman's intentions better be good or else he would have to show her the way out. Now was not the time for him to be dealing with others. He could smell the imminent birth in the den and he knew Song was about to deliver their children. He stared down the woman, waiting for a prompt response.

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