
The Basics Of Medicine [Training For Preston]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-24-2013, 11:20 PM
A soft roll of thunder brought her out of a light doze. Naps were becoming more frequent. They puzzled her, somewhat. She had never been this lazy. But it was far better than the reckless energy that had ensnared her body in her first heat cycle. She rose with a soft yawn. It was early, she deemed, according to the light outside. The sheltered ravine was lit by dark, early dawn light, darkened further by the cloud clotted sky. She turned her head and gazed down at her great black mate. A soft smile crossed her muzzle, and she leaned to breathe in his heavy male scent. It renewed the happiness in her heart. She pulled away and stretched lengthily, enjoying the pull on her back, the quiver that went through her muscles.

Straightening, she padded to the opening of her and Nova?s alcove and gazed out into the main den. It was empty, lit occasionally by the random flash of lightning outside. She gazed around the piece of Valhalla that was completely hers. And yet it was also Valhalla?s. She was Lead Healer. Wolves would come to this place, needing healing. Needing help. She stepped out of the alcove and made her way to the mouth of the cave, looking out at the dismal looking ravine. Lightning lit the sheltered place, lending the foliage of ferns and leaves a bone white gleam. Water dripped from leaf tips, and the soft trickle of the water fall had turned to a dull rush.

She stretched again. Then sat back on her haunches. Preston needed teaching. She could use a Secondary Lead Healer at her side. In her birth pack, it had been custom for a Lead healer to mate only another Healer of equal status. However, Erani would not be following that tradition. She had found love in a Warrior. She would train Preston to carry on her line, or walk beside her. She yawned, then stepped out and made her way to the pool at the base of the fall. Surprisingly, it wasn?t all that muddy. She lowered her head and took a morning drink.

Drink finished, she padded down the ravine path and came out into the full reach of the downpour. She blinked away a few drops and started off, eyes scanning automatically for herbs to gather. She meandered through the rainy backdrop of Valhalla, tail swaying damply under the deluge. Now and then, the rain would slacken, and she would spot a plant she needed and would pick it. When her mouth was full, she headed back, paws taking her into a happy trot through muddy puddles. Her paws dyed a dirty brown, she padded back down the ravine path and paused at the falls. She dipped her paws in, cleaning them. Then went inside, pausing to shake herself free of water. Then she went about the task of sorting.

She finished and rose again, padding out to the end of the ravine. She howled a long summons. It was time to start training Preston. Under the shelter of the over hang, she waited for the young male to arrive.