
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings



02-28-2014, 04:43 PM

Pulsus. This mans name was Pulsus, and he was Twig's older brother, which was believable since they both wore the same odd crescent upon their shoulders. He did not know Twig had siblings, but he remembered she belonged to a clan, which he had assumed was large. He would watch as he pulled his sister closer, various snarls filling the air as the truth was revealed. Pulsus would use his body as a shield to protect his sister from the outside world, and Themisto would blankly stare in disbelief as Twig continued to sob. Never before had he dealt with a situation like this, in all honestly he didn't know what to say or do. Especially with her overbearing brother literally blocking him from her. Which was understandable, only it put Themisto in an awkward position. He wanted to soothe her too.

He would sit in silence, his head falling hesitantly to his paws as he caught sight of Twig burying her face into her brothers neck. Not even his warm gaze could lull her from the harsh reality. The barbaric criminal would suffer dire consequences because of his actions, but for now all the pair could do was pick up the pieces he had left behind. His gaze would again examine Twig's injuries. A busted lip, various lacerations to the neck, a tender side that would result heavily bruised... She was pretty banged up. He would wince as he glanced toward her rump, he could only imagine what the hooligan had done. Somber gaze would lift toward Pulsus, two emotions plainly shown upon his features- sadness, and anger. "What... What can I do?" He would question, as if her brother knew exactly how to handle this tragedy. What could he do?
