
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings

Twig I


02-28-2014, 06:12 PM


She would hear Pulsus growl as Themisto entered, they would exchange their names as both became concerned for the beaten girl. She would confess the bitter truth and her brother would erupt. His anger was violently apparent as he slowly would become a living barrier between she and everything else going on. She could feel the love and protection seeping through, but the warmth she felt came from elsewhere. Uncontrolled tears would still stain her cheeks as she pulled her head slightly away from Pulsus' body as she would listen to Themisto's sweet voice. Red stained orchid gaze would find the source of sun like warmth in his features. She was still amazed that this wonderful man had yet to turn his back on her broken features. It was easy to see how much he cared about her state of health and condition.
Before Pulsus could answer his question she would mumble, "heal me Themisto, please." she knew she wasn't just speaking physically, her body would heal in a matter of weeks but what of her broken heart and mind? She wanted to simply forget what had been done to her, but would it ever be just that easy? She would plead with him silently, hoping Pulsus would allow the close proximity that would need to occur. Her eye would catch a moon beam as she focused on Themisto's gaze, the glint of light reflecting off of a peach above the man's head. She felt the shadow of a smile tug at the corners of her lips as the memory of their first meeting, and the whole reason shed been at the orchard in the first place came back to her. Even though she was battered and bruised she still wanted to share that succulent piece of fruit with him.?