



02-28-2014, 06:15 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2014, 06:17 PM by Themisto.)

He would begin to relax now, as it was apparent Chrysanthe was starting to lighten up, and that made him lighten up. A halfhearted smile would tug at his lips, and he would continue to check her over visually. His mind was still heavy with the what ifs on the past and current situation, but he would sweep the contemplating aside for now. It was hard to stare into her eye without something crossing his mind though. He would remain silent until he had spawned an analysis, her words drawing his audits forward in acknowledgement. "Am I going to live, doctor?" "Of course. Give yourself a few days of down time, and in two weeks you will be good as new." He would reassure her, his husky voice drenched in sincerity. She had missed a deadly blow to the spine by inches, which luckily seemed to be the worst wound she had acquired.

"Themisto? Is everything alright?" Her statement was what drew his gaze upward, his right brow raising as he reflected momentarily on her question. Why was she worried about him? She was the one who had just been attacked by a harlot of Glaciem, she was the one who had just lost her home. He was a typical healer, who mainly stayed within his packs borders unless a sudden impulse told him otherwise. Why would she be worried about him? "I'm fine- why do you ask?" He would inquire, though truly beneath the surface he was a mess of mixed emotions. With her always bounding into trouble and giving him excuses to be distant he had grown bitterly familiar with having to love her from afar- where as Twig was available and very interested in him. How could he not be drawn toward Twig, yet revolve around Chrysanthe? Internally he was a hot mess, and didn't know what he would do next about his dilemma. He was often so busy helping others he never found time to solve his own problems. Of course Chrysanthe knew nothing about Twig yet, all he assumed she knew about was his blunt feelings toward her that obviously didn't need to be explained. She must knew how he felt by now, why else would he come bounding to her side again and again?

"I can't thank you enough for this." His mind would clear as he was pulled back into the bitterness of reality, her soothing words creasing his lips upward. She always managed to make him smile despite the feats they both constantly dealt with. They seemed to have bad luck with Glaciem, didn't they? "You're welcome, Chrysanthe." Sweetly he would respond, it felt nice to have his dedication to her acknowledged. He would chuckle sweetly as well, his gaze falling warmly upon hers as he sighed happily. When they were together the acidity of reality seemed to fade away every time he glanced over at her pools of sapphire. Something about those eyes.. eye.., enticed him. "What will you do now? What will they do?" Of course he was curious about what would happen to the prior members of Valhalla, and he wished to know what her next move in life was. What about her marriage? Her adopted children? Did she ever plan on having a family of her own? Would she avenge her loss? Start a new pack? Reestablish Valhalla? Now that she was free.. What would she do with her freedom?
