
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings


02-28-2014, 06:57 PM

Pale lids would fall closed over mismatched gaze of ice and amethyst, his breathing heavy and rather labored. He was trying so hard to keep his anger in check, to keep it from taking over and spurring him into a man hunt for blood. He had no idea who the stranger was, except for his scent. But that didn't help him at all. Pulsus would take deep breaths, allowing his lungs to expand to their full capacity as he worked to keep himself calm. It would be several moments before he allowed his eyes to come into view again and when they did, he would pull his head back from Twig, noticing how she was looking up at Themisto. It was hard to miss the sentiment in her reddened orchid gaze and so the Wraith would slightly unwind from his younger sister, feeling his calm returning to him. This was man was here to truly help but if Pulsus continued to keep Twig the way that she was, she would never get the help that she surely needed.

heal me Themisto, please. To heal her. So Themisto was a healer? Come to think of it, he had noticed a slight plant-like smell to the man, but he had been engrossed with Twig that he hadn't bothered to pay attention to it. Bi-colored gaze would rise up to meet the man's golden one, a pleading look in them. Do what you must to heal her Themisto. I will help you in whatever way I can. He would remain at his sister's side, waiting to see what the healer would say or do. Twig would get better; Pulsus would make sure of it.

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