
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings



02-28-2014, 07:49 PM

Twig would hastily reply when he asked what he could do to help her, giving him a direct order- heal her. Themisto would nod in acknowledgement and rise from his laying position, standing to his full height within seconds of rising. His nostrils would quiver as his senses searched for any indication of herbs near by. It would take a few moments for a familiar smell to register, and when it did he would make his departure known before quickly leaving. "I will grab what I can, but most of my herbs are in my den. I will return shortly..." It took a lot of willpower to tear his somber gaze from Twigs, but he would manage to do so considering her well-being depended on it. He would flash her an encouraging smile before he would stride away from the scene and disappear into the looming isles of trees within the orchard. He knew she would be in good paws until he returned.

About twenty minutes would go by before the man would come galloping back toward the duo, his mouth filled with various herbs. He had managed to grab something temporary for the pain and bleeding, though her wounds would need to be cleaned before he tended to them. The closest water source was wolf paw lake, so the healer would need to come up with an alternative. He supposed his tongue could do just as well, though he was weary about licking her down in front of her eldest brother. Would he allow it, especially after she had been violated? Would Twig herself allow it?

He would drop the bundle of greens beside the pair, and he would slink toward the earth so that he could be beside her again. He would lean onto his right side so that Twig could easily maneuver her way against his belly, should she chose to do so. He hoped he could drape his forelimb over her and pull her in close just as Pulsus had, though he doubted the man would let his sister slip through his grasp. "Twig? I found a few things for the pain and bleeding... but your wounds, they need to be cleaned first, and wolf paw lake is very far..." Surly she could remember the distance from their adventure there. His gaze would glance toward Pulsus, as he was constantly watching his expressions for any sour change in emotion toward him. He was always so afraid of overstepping boundaries. "So, I figured I... Or Pulsus... could clean your wounds here."
