
Chocolate is good for the soul

Cerise I


02-28-2014, 08:34 PM

Life in the womb had been warm, safe, and all she had known. At times she was bounced around, but actually thought it was more exciting than distressful, often getting into a kicking fit of joy. But at life was preparing her and her two brother for the world, she was growing. It had become cramped when it once was just roomy, if was suffocating in a way. She felt the form of brother she knew yet of what they actually were. Something said they were like her, and that was it. So she really had no choice in accepting them into her little womb

But today would be different, today they were about to get kicked out of their cozy home. Her mother's heart beat, a lulling drum had quickened, causing the darker girl excitement. As she kicked about as did her brothers, she got herself all twisted up. First one form disappeared, leaving just her and another. It was slightly more spacier but the womb was closing in on them too. Next the other was gone. Alone now and sideways she stilled. Something magical was going to happen. Life tried to push her into the world but she was stuck. As much as everything tried to squeeze on her, she wouldn't budge. Then something was pressing from the other side. A sensation she had been used to from her mother grooming herself and the what nots, but this was different. Somehow it got her to move her body. Before she knew it she was rushed out of the womb. It was cold and hard here! She couldn't do much till she was cleaned and took her first breath. Then was no noise from her for a long while. Not till she had been nudged. A loud cry erupted from her. She wanted to take her time adjusting to her new surrounds.

But another more important thing drove her on. She was hungry, she needed the life essential milk from her mother. Nudged into the right place she squirmed up between her brother and latched onto a tit. Ah the refreshing relief of ending this uncontrollable hunger pain. She didn't mind the two forms on either side of her. It was comforting, a reminder of the womb. Fully till she could hold no more, sleep dug her down to rest peacefully.
