
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings

Twig I


02-28-2014, 09:28 PM

Twig couldn't realize the massive struggle going on in the mind of her big brother. She didn't realize that at any moment he could be off, tracking down the vile creature who had so misused her. Had she known she might have encouraged his bloodlust, her own anger still rushing beneath her blood. It was thinning however, as a sadness would dilute it, but strongest of the emotions she would feel was frustration. Frustration that she couldn't help herself and that she would cause the two most wonderful men in her life such distress. Pulsus would almost surprisingly give Themisto his blessing, and almost instantly the healer would be on his feet. He would explain his mission, her heart would flutter uselessly as he offered her a warm grin. She couldn't believe it but it seemed she had hope of becoming whole once again. Not that she was ready to admit it, but it seemed the gentle medic held the key to her bruised heart.
As she waited for his quick return the girl would turn her attentions back to her worried brother, her tears starting to come under her control as she realized her eyes were beginning to dry. She would let the same smile she'd given Themisto linger as she could feel herself pulling strength from her mountain of a sibling. A sigh would follow as she leaned back into his side her breathing still labored. She wondered if it might have broken one of her ribs with how hard it was to breathe.?"I'm sorry.." she would start, as though the whole situation was because of her. Maybe it was because somehow it did feel like it was her fault. It was her fault shed let him attack her after all,?"I let my guard down and this is the consequence." She could feel more tears welling up within her eyes, a sad sigh would cascade from her marked lips. She would lean into Pulsus again, her eyes closing as a slight dizziness would grapple her.?"I wish this had never happened!" a bitter anger would clearly show itself within her voice as she threw herself into her brother's side. Angry with the world, angry with her assailant, and angry at herself. she didn't know how long she would hold herself there before she heard the awaited footsteps of Themisto. She would surprise herself with how eager she was at his reappearance. She found her head and would open her violet gaze to behold him. She would watch shyly as he curled next to her, his belly seeming incredibly warm and inviting. Before Pulsus would be able to protest much she would reposition herself, finally able to bring herself close to the man she had admired from afar. A tingle would rush over her bruised skin as she felt their fur begin to intermingle. She would hold back the fears that would creep in, knowing that this was an honorable man. He held no foul intentions towards her, so she knew she could feel completely safe within his embrace. Her orchid gaze would fall back to Pulsus as Themisto's words would fall upon her slate backed ears. Her wounds needed to be cleaned and with no body of water close by they would have to use a tongue. She was unsure how Pulsus felt about her moving so close to Themisto, let alone how he would feel were the healer to engage in such an intimate act. After being treated so terribly earlier that day all she wanted was the soft touch of someone who loved her. Looking to he brother she wondered what his say was, she was obviously comfortable with Themisto's presence. Would Pulsus be??"I wouldn't mind if you both did." her voice hoarse from her crying and lack of water for the day as she found herself leaning into Themisto's exposed left side. Her features softening visibly as she let her weight rest upon the caramel furred man. A more relaxed sigh flowing from her bloodied lips.?

I can talk!