
Keeping Secrets


02-28-2014, 10:32 PM

She sat there watching her older sister, watching the wheels turn in her eyes. She would not mention anything yet as Twig smiled and replied back. She was right that it was pretty here, but not the best sun rising watching spot. Something was up, and Angel was sure to find out sooner or later. For now her eyes roamed over the land before her paws lifted her to sniff about. Nose to the ground to followed many scent trails to fruits she was not sure were safe to eat. There were other scents too, deer, squirrels, birds, and wolves.

She could smell Twig's scent and another. For a while they were separate and no alarming to the young girl. But she couldn't help the nagging pull that she should know that scent. She made no obvious sign what she had found. A peach fell from a tree to roll right to her paws. Head pulled back slightly to look at the fruit.Twig..can I eat this? She called over her back before giving the fruit a sniff. It smelled soo good. Tongue flashed out as she licked her lips. Tail wagged softly. If Twig didn't hurry over she was sure she would just bit into the fruit anyways.What can we eat that is safe? She muttered softly, more to herself. Her mind spun, trying to remember what little she knew of plants. Maybe she should fix that and broaden her knowledge of plants.

I can talk!