
whiskey in my water


03-01-2014, 03:27 AM

She noticed the flowers, loved them even and the soft gasp that escaped her velvet lips eased much of his anxiety. He couldn't help but let his smile turn a bit goofy as she commented on hoping that they might last a few days at least. A bit of a chuckle escaped his lips and he shook his head. "If they can't take the heat I'll bring you flowers every day if it would make you happy." He said softly, head tipping and smile returning to a more natural state. If it was flowers that she wanted he would make sure there were fresh flowers for her every morning, anything to see that twinkle in her eye and hear that little gasp of excitement when he caught her by surprise. It didn't happen much anymore, with children it was hard to find time for them but he wanted to find more time. He wanted to be alone with her more and now that Valhalla had moved back in there was no shortage of babysitters. And their son's odd attraction to Eria and Isis's odd obsession with hanging off ears meant Friction was fine with dumping them on just about any pack member. Erani would always be his first choice but she was their alpha now and he understood she didn't always have time.

Make sure tonight never ends?

Her words echoed in his mind and for a moment he closed his eyes and drew in a breath. There had been a few nights he had shared with her that he wished had never ended. But unlike those nights he didn't want to screw this one up. He wanted her to have a perfect night, perfect just like her. He owed her so much, she had picked him up from a dark place after his last mate had died and after his daughter had been stolen away by a different pack. She had given him a third try at a happy ending and this time it seemed to be going smoothly. Though he had loved his first wife and wanted to say he had loved his second none of it compared to the way his heart fluttered whenever she even looked his way. "Yes, lets make sure?" he replied easily, chuckling softly before starting off at an easy walk. He kept a bit ahead, leading their path as subtly as possible.

She mused about what they were going to do and she asked about the lands Erani had claimed for their new pack. Head tipped and he pondered the question for a moment. "Here, Druid's Moor, Wolfpaw Lake and Whisper's Gorge. I've been to Druid's Moor a lot, I've never seen so many herbs in my life! I haven't been to the gorge yet but the lake is a perfect place to cool of in the summer heat, I figured we might head there?" Though the statement ended as a question there was a twinkle in his eye that hinted that she really didn't had a say in the matter. She didn't know many of the territories? "You know your welcome to drop the kids on me and tell me you want to go out on your own right? Its fun to explore sometimes, to destress?" He mused, wondering why she hadn't snapped at him yet having been cooped up with the kids for so long. He had tried to take the kids and take them adventuring as much as possible but even then there was only so long he could be gone before ethe kids started to complain about needing a nap.

He kept his stride longer, setting a quick pace compared to his usual lea surly pace but he tried to cover the urgency in his step with casual conversation. It wasn't long before the scent of the water became more dominant and he hopped forward to cut her off in his path so they were standing nose to nose. "Okay close your eyes and wait here." he stated before turning and starting towards the shore. It was just two steps before he paused and turned to cast a gaze over his shoulder, "And don't peak!" He called in a cheerful but slightly anxious voice. This was it. Everything he and Odette had worked for. He walked around the tree he had chosen to block their view of the rose petal walkway he had made and the moss nest he had built. From beneath the roots he would draw out four crisp blue feathers. Two large flight feathers and two soft downy ones. He thought it was symbolize everything perfectly. He hadn't wanted a wind to come up and take them away while he was doing other things so he had hid them. Now he placed them perfectly in the middle of the moss nest. With the two larger ones facing down and the two soft ones on top.

One last look was cast over the scene before he padded back to Eria. "Okay, open your eyes and come with me." He said softly, nuzzling into her neck once more before walking around the tree and down the rose petal path. He didn't look behind him to see her reaction, he couldn't look at her for fear of loosing his courage. So as he stepped on the moss he would turn to sit with the feathers before him between his forepaws. Once last shuddering breath would be drawn before he finally gathered whatever it was that he needed within himself to look at her. And then it would all come out in a gush. "Eria, I love you. I've loved you since the first night I met you. I honestly don't know what i would have done if I hadn't met you and I will never forgive myself for leaving you that first night like I did. But. If you would let me, I would like to spend the rest of my life making it up to you." Another breath would be drawn as he studied her expression, searching for any hint that she might like what she was hearing and want him to continue. "Eria, would you do me the honour of being my wife?" He finally mustered up the courage to ask.