
whiskey in my water


03-01-2014, 03:59 AM

Friction's voice formed in the names of the territories and they met Eria's gleefully waiting ears. She recorded the names in her mind and put them away for later, intending to explore them when she had another chance. Her sweetheart spoke of it not being a problem to have the kids while she had the opportunity to visit each place. It was a sweet gesture, but one that she couldn't take advantage of. She loved the man too much.
"I know I could, but I would feel bad for doing so," she explained. "Besides, I don't think I would feel too comfortable leaving the Plains to explore more without you by my side. I don't mind being alone, Friction, but honestly, I want you to be there when I see more of the world." Her phobia of dark wolves she didn't know was slowly creeping back into her thoughts, but the company she kept -- mainly the pups and Friction -- had kept her from thinking of the past. It was something she didn't tell to many people.
They continued to walk towards the destination Friction had already chosen ahead of time. Something was up his sleeve, but Eria knew better than to inquire what he was planning. So, she remained lost in thought until they reached a spot where Friction stopped. Her nose bumped into his and she wiggled it from the result of his weight being pushed by the sudden movement. She blinked blankly as he told her to close her eyes and wait. An impatient snort was given, but she did as she was told. She trusted the man, after all.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Friction came back and told her to open her eyes. Slowly, she let her lids rise and she began to follow him once again. The walk was not very long, and what she saw next made her eyes widen in surprise. Rose petals lined a path to a darkened spot near the lake, becoming brighter as the last rays of the dying sun simmered in the sky. She followed the rose petals, trying to keep the image burned in her mind for as long as it would stay.
The path finally ended and at its end was a nest made of soft moss. She raised her eyes to watch Friction, who had padded around to the other side of the nest and reclined to his haunches. "Friction, what..." But her words were lost when she saw the feathers daintily laying in the middle of the nest and in front of Friction's paws. She looked at them with a curious gaze and slowly looked up at Friction as he started to pour his heart out to her. Words of undying love since that first night and how he wanted to make sure that she wouldn't want for anything in regards to him being there for the rest of their days....It was all too much.
What was the icing on the cake was when he asked the question she thought she would never hear: 'Eria, would you do me the honour of being my wife?' Her heart stopped for a second and in that second she slowly blinked as her mind tried to catch up to the moment. Eria then began to smile and she felt her body moving in unison with her brain cells. Excitement, love, and warmth spread through her limbs and a high-pitched squeal escaped her lips. "Ohhhhh, Friction....Friction, Friction, Friction!" She took the necessary steps towards him, safely avoiding stepping on the feathers, and licked his cheeks, lips, nose, and forehead over and over. Eria then pulled back and said in a hushed whisper, "Yes, Friction Sovari. I will do the honor of being your wife. Now and forever, m'love. That will never change."
