
The Return Of The Valhallans



03-01-2014, 12:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

For a second - and thankfully last - time Ashtoreth had crossed the strip of shallow ocean that separated her once island home from the mainland, but with the warmth of summer so prominent in these parts it was almost hard to tell. She had only walked from the shoreline to the border of her old homeland on the Vericona Plains, trailing after Erani and those other Valhallans who wished to stay together, and already her coat was half dry, perhaps even more. She did not bother licking at it to smooth down her fur, which was presently drying at odd angles, and instead made herself wait with promises of a proper bath in one of the streams and rivers that cut across the plains. If they haven't dried up anyway. With the heat as strong as it was, there was really no telling from a distance.

The group seemed to collectively reach the edge of what once had been theirs, and with a swift smile sent Leon's way, for he was always close by these days, she hoped things could swiftly return to the way they were before the move, the way things had always been here on the plains. She wanted to return to her old hunting paths, to find the same game as before but replenished in their short absence, to find her den - Leon's den - and claim it once more to share with him. The thought was enough to make her giddy, but there was no need for over excitement just yet. Likely her skills as Psi - or Psi Primary as it was being called now - would be needed to feed the remnants of Valhalla now that they were home.

So she reigned in her eagerness within the brightness of her smile as she padded along with the pack, following their lead though already beginning to scent the air for telltale wisps of prey that would surely come in handy very soon.