
Broken Dreams and Broken Wings


03-01-2014, 01:02 PM

I will grab what I can, but most of my herbs are in my den. I will return shortly... The healer would accept his blessing and off he would go, leaving the two siblings to their own devices for the time being. How long would the man take to return? What kind of herbs would he use on his sister? Had he even any experience in the art of healing? Question after question fired through the man's head but none would breach his lips as he lied beside Twig, focusing on keeping himself calm. Pulsus was a hard man to rile up, but if there was one thing that was guaranteed to get him going, it was hurting his family. And it didn't matter how his family was hurt. Whether it be physically, emotionally, even as simple as the raising of a voice to anyone in his family would be cause enough for the titan to come in and deliver his own form of punishment. And that's what he would do to the bastard that had dared to lay a paw on his beloved sister. That man would wish he would've never left the safety of his mother's womb when the Wraith got done with him.

His sister's figure leaning back against his own snapped him from his angry musings. He could feel her breathing laboring and he could only wonder just how badly the extent of her injuries had to be. I'm sorry, I let my guard down and this is the consequence. I wish this had never happened! The gargantuan would say nothing, simply folding himself across his sister, tucking his chin against her shoulder as he held her close, wishing that he had been there when the attack had happened. This is the first and last time any harm comes to you Twig. I swear upon my life. He would murmur fiercely against her ivory pelt, wishing with everything that he had that he would've been the one attacked instead of her. She didn't deserve this. No one did, but his sister especially.

And then Themisto would return and the siblings would no longer be alone. The healer would come to rest before them, curling himself close to Twig. But before Pulsus could make any kind of protest, Twig would re-position herself so that she was leaning against the healer instead of himself. A low chuff would bubble from his pale jaws, elongated sooty tail flicking with unease as he stared at the pair for a moment, trying to reign in his protective instinct. Themisto was here to help. He would repeat the mantra to himself over and over as he raised himself back up to his full height, towering over the two before him. But a dilemma would arise. Twig needed to have her wounds cleansed, and yet the closet body of water was Wolf Paw lake and that was quite some distance away. The Black man would've had no problem carrying his sibling all the way over there, but it seemed that the healer had a better idea to improvise with. So, I figured I... Or Pulsus... could clean your wounds here. Pale and sooty brows would furrow deeply over his mismatched eyes, audits flattening against his skull. Twig's response to Themisto's suggestion only made the Wraith that much more uncomfortable.

Even though Themisto was a healer, he wasn't sure how he felt about a man who was of their blood touching his sister in such an intimate way. Technically there was nothing really intimate about it, since he would just be cleaning her wounds, but just the mere fact that something over that his fur would be touching his sister made the brute's hackles stick straight up. I would have no problem carrying her all the way to the lake. Part of him hoped that they would take to the suggestion of him carrying Twig, but he knew that it probably wasn't something that his sister wanted. He could see a craving in her lavender gaze and it wasn't for family.

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