
Not playing to pass time



2 Years
03-02-2014, 02:05 AM

She had been lazing around, buried in the tall grass, unseen from a distance. She liked it here. It was peaceful, given for the thundering sound of the herds moving. Those large beasts were fascinating at the very least to the young girl. She had never hunted anything bigger than a small doe. Even then it was more of a chance till the deer collapsed exhausted. Rohini was more of a bird catcher and fisher. Her slender limbs like coiled springs and light frame made her quick on her toes. Pale green orbs were closed, she wasn't asleep, till a howl sounded out. Slowly her eyes opened as her head lifted up off the ground. A pack hunt? She had never part took in one before. Maybe this was her chance to act more pack wolf than a loner.

Slowly her body raised up to stretch before taking an easy loop off to the caller. She wasn't sure what she would expect, or what they'd expect from her. She didn't have much strength in her, just lean tight muscles of a runner. Plus she had never taken down large game. Surely it would be large game right? For a pack this size it had to be. Maybe it would end up just being a training. But who all would show up? In no time two figures came into view. One she knew of as Destruction and the other she had seen only as meetings before. Slowly to a walk she lowered her tail, not tucked under but flat against her haunches, ears slightly back but flicking forwards often with interest. She stopped near Destruction, looking at her and then the male."May I join the hunt? Though..uuhh..I've never hunted large game or with a pack before" She voice was just barely louder than a whisper as she shifted nervously from paw to paw.
