



03-02-2014, 05:03 AM

Her innocence was spine-tingling, a wicked sensation of burning desire toying with the cherries of his pores; her voice bore a fragility so welcoming, teasing, it would almost lead him to believe she had never felt the spoiling touch of a man. Lips quivered, mind fraying into loss of concentration, distracted by the squirming of his hormones as he struggled to ease his own distorted excitement. His skull would barely manage to react to her greeting, but it had not been necessary; the foul tones of a toying ebony sending his pipes chuckling with a brief moment of his attention, ?Any sheep that strays beneath my senses is willingly devoured, miss,? it were almost as if he had misunderstood her, however his tones remained sharp and clever. He knew exactly what he had intended to suggest.

He had come with intentions of an alliance; however Isardis was little pleased with what he had been presented, the untrained tongues of the loose stragglers that surrounded their leader were enough to deter him. A kingdom without direction would falter beneath the calculation of their enemies, and his plans for the meeting would quickly come to deteriorate, somewhat dissatisfied with the personalities that had presented themselves to him. All were surely capable of discipline, however they showed none other than a pathetic lack of respect for their royalty. Alas, his features would not grow to tell such tales, besides perhaps to his Queen; who?s unexpected company was readily welcomed. The loyalty she would plead to him silent; as the duo stood so close they were represented as no less than a near-equality. And a daunting one at that.

?I had judged you somewhat the opposite,? in all honesty he responded to the red girl, little play now loitered his tones, a seriousness beginning to emerge where it had likely been unexpected. He was deterred by her other-worldly grin, deciding entirely to ignore the strange beings presence as it rapidly began to hold little interest to him; perhaps bored by her consistent expression and monotone behaviour. Leaning towards Sendoa, his rubies would come to rest yet again upon the duo-toned glaze of Raisa, ?You have yet to speak of your name,? he would state somewhat blandly, as if in expectation, ?Regardless, I come to offer future assistance where it may be needed. Now, your numbers are small and no contest to our seasoned army; for this reason I suggest you ponder the likelihood of an alliance. It will not be decided here today, as proper terms are unable to be stated within the company of so many untutored tongues,? he paused for a moment, gaze briefly adjusting to the accompanying women, ?Speak amongst your superiors- should there be any, and return to our Northern Empire when you so feel inclined.? Almost with the desire to remain elusive, he would begin to shift his weight in a suggestion of his leave, ?A pleasure, Mistress of Ebony.?