
Memories and Places



4 Years
03-02-2014, 02:07 PM
ooc: i think we could make it pretty quick, left my post a bit vague so we can make it speed it along xD you or Tea can pick what we're going for.

Baldur listened to the healers recommendation. He was a bit hungry too and the bat had only served to give him a bit of an upset stomach. A deer sounded better. He hadn't the energy at the moment to go chasing all over creation for rabbits which some times took more energy to catch than a deer. He turned to Thor and laughed a bit at his brother's words. That was true, any sort of kindness made Hati twitch like a flea-infested coyote though that still didn't mean Baldur would go out of his way to be nice to the golden-eyed male.

Baldur stretched before following after Thor. He'd let his older brother lead the hunt though he wondered if Loki would follow or take direction. Surely the other male was hungry as well? Thor eventually settled on something and Baldur squeezed in close to see what it was they were looking at. Elk? Worked for him. The three of them could maybe pick off a calf or something, if the old lady wouldn't get upset about it.

Once he got the signal, Baldur slunk down and around through the creek bed, taking shelter behind the logs and debris that rested scattered around. The sun was behind him, helping to obscure his form. Patiently he waited til the others were in place before he lurched suddenly forward with a snarl, fangs bared and hackles raised.