
Gods & Swans



4 Years
03-02-2014, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2014, 02:28 PM by Baldur.)

Baldur laughed, he supposed ducks did have their moments. Even he had his graceful moments now and then but they never seemed to last long before he'd go and trip over himself. Peering down into the water he watched the fish glide elegantly through the water. He knew there was some sort of shift in their actual position than what he could see above the surface of the water but the ice-eyed brute had no idea how to counter it.

Baldur crouched gently, eyes riveted upon Odette as he watcher her paws dip slowly into the water in a picture of saintly patience. And it dawned on him. Patience. His worst enemy most of the time. Baldur was a creature of impulse and he could rarely bring himself to wait on anything once the idea had entered his head. Still he watched her.

Silence blanketed itself around them, disturbed only by the breeze and the continued singing of the birds. His left ear twitched as he tried to resist the urge to fidget. Baldur wasn't sure he'd make a fisher-wolf after all. It wasn't long though before the fish returned to their scavenging, swimming about the she-wolf's legs as if she wasn't even there at all. He stood there staring, fascinated by this development. Then, like an osprey, her head dove in seizing a good-sized fish.

"Incredible!" Baldur stood as she climbed back ashore. "I don't think I have the patience to fish though, I must admit. Fighting the urge to fidget even as a spectator was difficult." Baldur lay down in a sphynx-like manner enjoying the sun on his back as he debated about giving it a try, uncertain if she expected him too or not. She probably did and he didn't want to disappoint her.

Carefully he edged himself into the water before resting his side against the muddy embankment to imitate her lean to pose. The fish though seemed to be thoroughly startled and we in no hurry to venture back. Sighing he glanced over to her. "Soo? what is your pack like?" Baldur was so focused on making small talk with the femme while he was waiting he didn't notice a pair of large, slitted, golden eyes peek above the surface of the water before dipping back down.